considering autumn

Its official—autumn is here. I have often thought of the fall as being a transitional season. Its not quite winter and most defiantly not summer we’re stuck somewhere in the middle with cold winds and dark mornings. And yet the changing seasons can be a beautiful time for everything as Solomon said. So Tenley and I grabbed our camera and determinedly ignored the ever-gnawing chill and set out to take some pictures here’s what we got.

I remember late in the summer when I first noticed the icy sting in the night air gently reminding me that nothing lasts forever. At first I was irritated, I didn’t want the winter to come, I was enjoying the warmth and comfort of summer and life was good. As I consider autumn, I can’t help but think about our life. The seasons are changing around us literally but there also changing figuratively. Right now I’m standing at the end of our third semester looking to the next and last semester of school. After Christmas break Tenley and I have four months of training and then we’re done. Then what? Where will we go and what will we do when we get there? Those questions remain unanswered for the most part and I find that its easy to want to cling to what is comfortable and to what is already known (mostly our lives in North America). For the last three and a half years Tenley and I have been training for the purpose of living out what we believe to be true in the contexts of a developing country, and now…those summer days of preparation are nearing its end and I can feel the icy sting of reality in the air. It’s a scary thought facing the unknown and taking a small child with you. As of now our plans are fairly simply. We will be moving back to and basing out of the Seattle area and going to different meetings as we try to raise our support level to a level that would allow us to live overseas. There will also be lots of traveling that we would need to do as my (Wesley) friends and family are in Massachusetts and Michigan. So from Seattle we will travel to these places as well. We are excited to be going into a new season of our lives. We are trusting the Lord to work out all the little details and are looking forward to seeing what He will do with us in our time there. Also we will be in Seattle for our Christmas break so if you’re in the area we should do coffee, let us know!

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